Thursday, 23 January 2014

Update: Film Idents

In today's lesson we created our own film idents for our film opening using Adobe after effects.
The first ident is to show the studio that the film was created in:

The second ident is to show the production company used:

Wednesday, 22 January 2014


Today we edited all of our scenes together with music fitting in perfectly. Over the next few lessons we are planning to add in transitions and we are hoping to create our own ident.

Tuesday, 21 January 2014


In todays lessons we were editing again. Trying to get the music that we've chosen to come in at exactly the right moments, and to make it look right. Also, we had to edit up our voice over sections, and ensure that they only overlap the specific areas which they are talking about.

Thursday, 16 January 2014


In our double period of Media Studies today we were editing our final piece together, picking the shots that best showed our media ability. However, we did come across a problem - one of our shots was too dark, so you couldn't really see what was going on and didn't fit the emotion/mood that we were trying to portray.
Also, we came to the realisation that we did not clearly show the relation between the siblings and Candice. Therefore, we are going to take some more shots, and create a "photo frame" of the "family".

Sunday, 12 January 2014

Weekend of filming

This weekend we have carried out all of the filming that we have needed! Everything appears to have gone to plan, with our actors acting with enthusiasm and professionalism, the weather staying constant, and the evening shots, where the dark was needed, falling into place.
We organised - for the party scene - to have our group of friends come over to my house, and pretend to party, but as they already knew each other, there was no problem with them relaxing and getting into the "party mood".

Friday, 10 January 2014

Music for our opening

At the beginning of our opening, we want to create a dark, tense and intimidating atmosphere to match Kacey's attitude towards Candice. Whilst searching through Youtube, we settled on this instrumental to this song as it creates the atmosphere we want to achieve:

Further on into our opening, we want to create a depressing scene as it dawns on Candice exactly what lengths she has to go to provide for her younger siblings as her mum is uncapable of doing so herself. We decided on the song below as it creates a very dramatic and emotional atmosphere, and causes the audience to feel pathos towards Candice and her situation:
At the end of our opening, we want to create a carefree atmosphere during the house party scene to show how so many other teenagers are oblivious to the struggles that others may have. We decided on this song as it has been played at several house parties that Courtney and I have previously been to and has created a light-hearted and untroubled atmosphere:

Wednesday, 8 January 2014

Length of shots

Courtney and I have discussed that we dont want to have extremely long lengthed shots because this not only gets boring, but it doesnt achieve anything. The only time we have decided to use long lengthed shots is if we're to have estabishing shots etc.
Our other shots are up to around 6 seconds long. The longer shots being used in conversation, or emotional moments, and the short shots being used in action areas, and hectic moments - like our party scene that we plan on having. Having these shorts shots enable us to give the impression of a really big, loud, atmospheric surrounding for our characters

Friday, 3 January 2014

Prop List for Opening

Box of contraceptive pills
Make up bag
Clear bag
Bottle of Port
2x £20 notes
Bottles and cans of alcohol (substitute)

Lighting for our opening

During our planning, we have taken into account the lighting that will be necessary in each scene. In areas where we will be outside, we will obviously be using natural lighting, this is because that is clearly the only lighting available to us - with this we also need to take into account our outdoor filming hours, as we still need to see our characters, and for the lighting to be consistent within each shot so it makes sense.
However, when filming indoors, we are able to have much more of an effect on the lighting available. Therefore, we will be able to set moods and emotions within our scenes, as well as make the locations (events in the locations) more believable and realistic. Types of lighting we will be using indoors will be: artificial low key lighting, artificial high key lighting, and artificial medium lighting.