Monday 16 December 2013

Character biography

Full name: Candice Jackson
Age: 16
Marital Status: Single
Occupation: Student at local college
Residency: Small house in crowded estate in Croydon
Family Life: Dad left before she was born, no idea who he is, lives with drunken mum and three younger siblings (two sisters, one brother - all have different fathers). Mum is incapable of looking after them, spends all her time getting drunk and having sex with men she doesn't really know. Candice has to support her siblings for the sake of their health
Close friends: Had a childhood friend (Nath), grew up together, she was close to his family, spent all their time together but drifted apart when he joined the local gang. Doesn't have any at the moment as all of her time is spent looking after her siblings

Full name: Kacey Brookston
Age: 18
Marital Status: girlfriend, haven't been together long
Occupation: Gang leader, drug dealer
Residency: rents a flat on same crowded estate in Croydon
Family Life: hasn't spoken to parents since starting up his gang, no siblings, girlfriend is pregnant - has doubts about sticking around
Close friends: gang members, closest friend is Nath

Full name: Shelly Jackson
Age: 30
Marital Status: Single, has a reputation of sleeping around
Occupation: Unemployed
Residency: Small house in crowded estate in Croydon
Family Life: 4 kids all with different dads - not in contact with any of them, spends all her time getting drunk and sleeping around, doesn't support her children
Close friends: doesn't have any - only the locals that she speaks to when she goes down the pub

Full name: Nathan Lawson
Age: 17
Martial Status: Girlfriend - only due to pressure and expectations from Kacey
Occupation: Gang member
Residency: high class estate, close to the estate where Kacey and Candice live, large, expensive house
Family Life: Only child, lives with supportive parents - too caught up in their work and each other that they don't realise that Nath's involved with a gang and that his life is going down hill
Close friends: Had a childhood friend (Candice), grew up together, spent all their time together but drifted apart when he joined the local gang. Kacey and the other gang members

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