Saturday 9 November 2013

Analysis of Opening: Project X, 2012 - Crime

Story line: Three high school seniors throw a birthday party to get themselves noticed within their high school. The party starts off small but things soon start to get out of hand as the word of the party spreads and the night progresses.
Director: Nima Nourizadeh
Stars: Thomas Mann, Oliver Cooper and Jonathon Daniel Brown
Opening: begins with text – gives audience impression that either something so offensive, embarrassing or shocking is going to happen within the film that the producers have to apologise in advance on behalf of the production. Set in a town in California, America. Film begins with footage from what seems to be a hand held camera – quality of film looks amateur along with the filming techniques, for their own purpose and entertainment, not for mass viewing. Immediate knowledge of time, date and event of the purpose of the film provided by one of the main actors standing outside what the audience would expect to be the dominant setting of the film. Title of film is shown and music begins in background – typically teenager related. Point of view camera angle further exploring setting, begin to learn more about plot of film and background of characters through the dialogue between the main characters. Classic storyline of parents go away for the weekend, kid left to look after the house and been told he can only have 4-5 friends over maximum, audience expect that this will not happen and that this will turn into a huge house party with serious consequences.
Setting: Town in California, America - someone's house - suggests that this will be the dominant setting throughout the film, pretty usual.
Props: handheld camera - suggests that it will play major part in film and be a dominant prop used throughout
Camera shot types/angles: switches between amateur camera used by one of the characters to professional filming, plenty of 'point-of-view' shots - makes audience feel that they are in the film with the characters, feel part of the movie - can relate to story line more.
Lighting: natural - daytime, normal, nothing to suggest that something out-of-hand is going to happen, further suggests that story line could flip and the event they are planning, a birthday party, will almost definitely become too much for the three teens to handle.
Casting: bunch of teenagers - suggests the film will focus on the influences society has on growing up and how it affect individuals.
Costume and make-up: jeans and t-shirts - pretty ordinary and usual clothing to expect from a typical teenager - will story line reflect the normal expectations of a teen?
Movement: carefree, 'do whatever I want attitude' - until parents walk in - told off, shut down by parents - reminded of responsibilities - represents relationships between most teenagers and their parents - trying to grow up too fast and being reminded of their age and place in society by their parents.
Music: Urban, rap - typically teenage house party - represents the event that's going to happen later in the film - foreshadowing events
Positives: learn a lot about the background to the main characters, the meaning behind the film and what is expected to happen, lots of different camera angles and shots types used within opening, storyline – relatable for audience, introduced to main characters
Negatives: storyline becomes too revealed within first five minutes, audience can already predict what is going to happen
Why I chose Project X: I chose Project X because one of genres that the film covers in Crime, which would feature it my initial ideas for my coursework piece. Also, Project X is centred on teenagers and the impacts alcohol consumption and drug use can have, the same age of the characters and topics of concern that I would like to centre my opening around.

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