Friday 29 November 2013

Target Audience/Venue

Our target audience is 16-24 year olds, both male and female. We feel this is a suitable age range as it may include some content that this age range are familiar with through the things they watch on tv, have seen in person and taken part in i.e. drugs, sex, alcohol, money worries etc. We decided on having the target audience as both male and female, as the female side would be the romantic interest between the main character and one of the gang members, who would be introduced in the rest of the film, and the more masculine side would the action that follows the main character on her journey to put everything right.
We decided that our film would just come straight out on DVD because we don't feel like it is a main stream film, like those that are shown in cinemas. The film openings I analysed in previous posts, Bully and Havoc, show several similarities towards the film opening Courtney and I are going to create. These similarities are the content topics of sex, drugs, crime all relating to teenagers in an urban area with a similar target audience: both male and female, mid teens to mid twenties. These films were not featured in cinemas as their content was rather explicit and not mainstream Hollywood - this is the main reason why mine and Courtney's film opening would not be screened in the venue of a cinema.

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